Ariyippu, starring Kunchacko Boban and Divyaprabha in the leads had its world premiere earlier this year at the 75th Locarno Film Festival’s international competition segment. Also starring Loveleen Mishra, Kannan Arunachalam, Danish Hussain, and Faisal Malik, “Ariyippu” have an exceptional script written by Mahesh Narayanan where Kunchacko Boban and Shebin Backer are co-producing the film. Sanu John Vargeese is also reuniting with Mahesh Narayanan again for “ Ariyippu” after the most appreciated work in “Malik “ and “ Take off”.
The movie narrates the story of a couple from Kerala who relocate to Delhi to work in a glove factory in Noida. They intend to immigrate abroad eventually. Unrest among the factory workers and emotional and interpersonal issues between Hareesh PV and Reshmi, the couple are caused by a manipulated video clip. “And as it coincides with the 75-year legacy of Udaya Pictures, it is indeed a personal honor for me as well and a tribute to my Grandfather and Father,” Mr. Kunchacko Boban, also one of the producers of the film wrote on his Facebook page.
According to Mahesh Narayanan, he has stick on to the narrative so truly and has not added any kind of flavoring for a commercial entertainer. The audience are very much excited for “Ariyippu” after the most discussed movies from Mahesh that is “C U Soon “ “Take off” and “Malik”. This time Malayalam film industry has got more international attention as “ Ariyippu” is continuing it’s Global Journey all the way to BFI London Film Festival this October 2022.