Aavesham, the upcoming Malayalam movie starring Fahadh Faasil in the lead role, is reportedly planning to release on April 11, 2024. The movie is directed by Jithu Madhavan, who made his debut with the blockbuster horror-comedy Romancham earlier this year. Aavesham is produced by Anwar Rasheed Entertainments and Fahadh Faasil & Friends, the banner of the actor himself.
Fahadh Faasil plays a local goon who is hired by a group of college students to solve their problems. The actor sports a rugged look with a thick moustache and jewellery, which has already created a buzz among his fans. The movie also features Mansoor Ali Khan and Ashish Vidyarthi as the antagonists, while Chemban Vinod plays a pivotal role. According to Chemban Vinod, Aavesham is connected with Romancham in some way, which has raised the curiosity of the audience.
Fahadh Faasil plays a local goon who is hired by a group of college students to solve their problems. The actor sports a rugged look with a thick moustache and jewellery, which has already created a buzz among his fans. The movie also features Mansoor Ali Khan and Ashish Vidyarthi as the antagonists, while Chemban Vinod plays a pivotal role. According to Chemban Vinod, Aavesham is connected with Romancham in some way, which has raised the curiosity of the audience.